Sunday, 2. November 2003
Wednesday, February 23, 1977 - Miami

Charlie wanted to know if we wanted to go to Fort Lauderdale where the boys are. Went to the gay places there and Carlie took us down the boardwalk. The first place, forget the namet, the bartenders were in dresses with mustaches and beards. The first one said, "I'm a friend of Brigid Berlin's."
I really had to pee. Fred came back from the bathrom and I asked him if there was anybody in there and he said no, that it was empty. I went in and I asked him if there was anybody in there and he said no, that it was empty. I went in and was peeing and suddenly there was someone next to me saying, "Oh my God, I can't believe I'm standing next to you, let me shake your hand," and then he realized and said, "No, I'll wash my hands and then we can shake." I lost my concentration and had to stop peeing. And then more and more people started coming in and saying, "Is it really you?" I got out.
The waiters said that there were only waitresses some nights, the place alternated. It sounded like Paul Morrissey's idea for the Western he was going to do, where the town is half men and half men-in-drag because there were no woman ($5).
Went to a place down a ways with pinpal machines and played them for a while ($10).

wort: damit sich hier keiner wundert, ich lese im moment das fette buch "the andy warhol diaries" und wenn ich mal über einen amüsanten oder relevatne eintrag stolpere, werde ich den hier posten.

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